The LABORatorio R. Revelli, is a research institute created at the beginning of 1999 from the cooperation between the University of Turin and the Compagnia di San Paolo.
The LABORatorio conducts research, in collaboration with researchers from national and foreign Universities and Research Centres, on various labor-related issues in Italy and in the European Union.
The LABORatorio was founded in 1999 as a research center associated with the CORIPE Piedmont and funded by the Compagnia di San Paolo, based in the then newly reopened Real Collegio of Moncalieri. In 2006, for the funding body will, Laboratorio is merged into the Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto. Finally in 2010 the LABORatorio becomes an independent association with its own budget, keeping the residence at the Collegio. More details on our history and past activities can be read in the newsletter that we published until 2009.
The research activities of LABORatorio R. Revelli follow multiple strands: mobility and flexibility of the labor market; costs and economic and social consequences of flexibility; new forms of atypical employment; relationships between work, health and accidents at work; income distribution and wage flexibility; analysis and evaluation methods of labour and social policies; employability of older people; construction of simulation models for the study of the labor market and industrial demography.
At LABORatorio R. Revelli is developed WHIP (Work Histories Italian Panel), a rich longitudinal individual database on the careers of Italian workers, observed from the entrance into the labor market till retirement. WHIP is, in various forms, available to the world of scientific research.