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Temporary work represents a growing share of the employed workforce in many European countries. Several reasons stand behind this development. From the employers perspective, the availability of temporary jobs is tantamount to a reduction of wage and firing costs, which is particularly valuable in an uncertain environment where ordinary jobs are characterized by high employment protection.
Wages differ across countries, periods, sectors, firms and types of workers, reflecting both market forces and a variety of labor market institutions. Investigating the determinants of the wage structure, and its changes over time, is crucial for a better understanding of the way the labor market functions and, ultimately, affects workers’ well-being.
Most Oecd Countries are experiencing a rapid population ageing that will yield serious consequences in the next future: crises of social security systems and chronic shortage of workforce. Italy adds to this picture a very low labour market participation of the elders especially among women.
Una ulteriore area di attività del LRR riguarda la creazione di modelli per effettuare previsioni macro dell’andamento del mercato del lavoro, al fine di condurre analisi di scenario e valutazioni ex-ante dell’impatto di specifiche politiche e di progetti di riforma (ad esempio delle regole per l’accesso alla pensione).
Job quality is a multi-faceted concept. One the one hand, quality of work is related to objective characteristics such as working conditions and the matching of worker profiles and job requirements. On the other hand, job quality deals with subjective evaluation of the job–worker match.
La teoria economica suggerisce che la deregolamentazione del mercato del lavoro è un fattore chiave dal punto di vista della competitività, della crescita, e dell’occupazione. Intuitivamente, se le imprese sono libere di assumere e licenziare a costi ridotti, esse potranno incrementare la qualità media degli abbinamenti tra posti di lavoro e lavoratori, spostarsi verso specializzazioni più promettenti, aumentare produttività e profitti, e per questa via far crescere la competitività dell’intero sistema economico, il suo potenziale di crescita e quindi la sua performance occupazionale. Sulla base di tutto ciò, la ‘flessibilità’ è diventata il marchio di fabbrica delle politiche del lavoro attuate in pressoché tutti i paesi OCSE negli ultimi decenni.
The concept of “workforce disposal” refers to the process occurring when labor inputs are “used” by employers for a short period of months or years, after which workers are “disposed” and never or almost never again regain re-enter the official labour market. The disposed individuals become long-term non-employed, with non-employment durations that may last 15-20 years.