Call for papers and posters
The LABORatorio R. Revelli – Center for Employment Studies, is pleased to announce its third biannual workshop, jointly organized with the Competence Center on Microeconomic Evaluation (CC-ME) at Unit S.3 of the Joint Research Center of the European Commission and with the Epidemiology Unit of Piedmont Region. The workshop stems from the LABORatorio’s twenty-year experience in the study of labor market dynamics and aims to promote the exchange of research ideas among the scientific community. The workshop will propose two thematic sessions on The effect of retirement policies on health, informal caring and access to social welfare programs and on Educational and skill mismatch, for which a call for papers and posters is open (details below). Agar Brugiavini (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), Giovanni Russo (CEDEFOP) and Paolo Vineis (Imperial College of London) will give the keynote speeches. Also, the workshop will host the presentation of the results from the project The health equity impact of increasing age of retirement: the contribution of Italian longitudinal studies funded by the Italian Ministry of Health (RF-2016-02364270) and a roundtable on the Use of administrative data for policy evaluation introduced by Paolo Paruolo (Joint Research Center of the European Commission).
Please submit extended abstracts or – preferably – full papers in pdf format to by September 30th, 2023 indicating which thematic session you are applying for and if you prefer a paper or poster presentation; in case of overcrowding of accepted paper presentations, some will be randomly assigned to the poster session. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by mid-October, 2023. Participation is free of charge, while travel expenses and the social dinner will not be covered. Submissions by young researchers are particularly welcome. A 500 Euro prize in the name of Riccardo Revelli – a pioneer in the use of administrative data for labor market analysis – will be awarded to the best contribution (either poster or paper) by a young researcher.
Patronage from the Department of Economics and Statistics “Cognetti de Martiis” of the University of Torino is gratefully acknowledged. The workshop will take place at Collegio Carlo Alberto, Torino, Italy, which is kindly greeted for hosting the event. An on-line channel will be open for the public, while presenters are requested to attend in presence.
Enrolment (online and in presence) is open at this link
Riccardo Revelli Prize
Candidates should be under forty years of age; preference will be given to papers derived from a PhD thesis.
Roundtable on the use of Administrative Data
The use of administrative data to assess the impact of public interventions and, more in general, to run scientific research, is spreading at an increasing pace. Data protection concerns arise consequently. Which are the actual conditions to get access to administrative data? Are such conditions homogeneous across European countries? Which are the best practices? These are some of the issues the roundtable will discuss by hosting researchers and practitioners from different EU countries.
The effect of retirement policies on health, informal caring and access to social welfare programmes
Due to an increase in life expectancy, most European countries have tightened requirements for normal and early retirement. However, there is concern that these reforms may induce older workers affected by chronic morbidity to continue to be in paid employment despite their health problems or push them out of the labour market in long term unemployment or disability pension. Furthermore, after retirement a large fraction of individuals, especially women, are involved in informal caring, whose availability might be offset by increases in the statutory pension age.
We hence welcome submissions that adopting a causal approach contribute to shedding light on the relationship between pension reforms, retirement, and in particular age at retirement, on the following outcomes: health, including mortality and longevity; labour market participation; welfare dependency; provision of informal caring. Overall assessments of costs and benefits of pension reforms, considering both their intended and unintended consequences and redistributive implications, are also topics of great interest.
Educational and skill mismatch
In 2020 the European Commission has placed skills at the heart of its policy for a sustainable recovery after the coronavirus pandemic. The European Skills Agenda has set quantitative objectives for improvement of existing skills and training in the new ones, to be achieved in a five-year period through twelve actions. Despite such well-defined policy agenda, research has shown that many issues remain unsolved. The concept of skill mismatch is broad and can be used to describe vertical and horizontal mismatches, educational and experience-related misalignments, skill gaps, shortages, and obsolescence. It can be assessed using different approaches, depending on the available data and often resulting in poorly correlated measures. It generates negative but sometimes also positive effects on productivity, wages, and job satisfaction. It affects subpopulations differently. We hence welcome submissions using a causal approach and trying to answer one or more of the following questions: which skill shortages and surpluses has the technical change created? Which competences are already present in the market and which ones should receive policy support, and how? How should mismatch be measured? Which are the determinants of mismatch? And which are its consequences? Which parts of the workforce are affected the most?
Preliminary Program
Thursday November 30th
9.00-9.15 Welcome address: Lia Pacelli (President of the LABORatorio Riccardo Revelli)
Session 1: Health and Retirement Choices 1
9.15-9.30 Introduction to the Project “The health equity impact of increasing age of retirement: the contribution of Italian longitudinal Studies” funded by Italian Ministry of Health (RF-2016-02364270): Giuseppe Costa (University of Torino)
9.30-10.30 Short presentations on project results
10.30-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-12.00 Invited & accepted papers: Loretta Platts (Stockholm University)
12.00-13.00 Keynote speech: Paolo Vineis (Imperial College of London)
13.00-14.30 Poster session with lunch break
Session 2: Health and Retirement Choices 2
14.30-16.00 Accepted papers
16.00-16.30 Coffee break
16.30-17.30 Invited & accepted papers: Ludovico Carrino (University of Trieste)
17.30-18.30 Keynote speech: Agar Brugiavini (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
20.00 Social Dinner
Friday December 1st
Session 3: Administrative Data for Policy Evaluation
9.00-10.00 Introductory speech: Paolo Paruolo (Joint Research Centre of the European Commission)
10.00-10.30 Coffee break
10.30-12.30 Roundtable: Brice Fabre (IPP, France), Roberto Leombruni (University of Torino, Italy), Stefano Lombardi (VATT, Finland), Katja Neugebauer (Bank of Portugal), Stefanie Wolter (IAB, Germany)
12.30-14.30 Poster session with lunch break
Session 4: Educational & Skill Mismatch
14.30-15.30 Keynote speech: Giovanni Russo (CEDEFOP)
15.30-16.00 Coffee break
16.00-17.30 Accepted papers
17.30-18.00 Riccardo Revelli Award to the best paper or poster and Farewell Address: Bruno Contini (Honorary President of the LABORatorio R. Revelli) and Fabio Berton (Joint Research Centre of the European Commission)
Call for papers and posters
The LABORatorio R. Revelli – Center for Employment Studies, is pleased to announce its third biannual workshop, jointly organized with the Competence Center on Microeconomic Evaluation (CC-ME) at Unit S.3 of the Joint Research Center of the European Commission and with the Epidemiology Unit of Piedmont Region. The workshop stems from the LABORatorio’s twenty-year experience in the study of labor market dynamics and aims to promote the exchange of research ideas among the scientific community. The workshop will propose two thematic sessions on The effect of retirement policies on health, informal caring and access to social welfare programs and on Educational and skill mismatch, for which a call for papers and posters is open (details below). Agar Brugiavini (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), Giovanni Russo (CEDEFOP) and Paolo Vineis (Imperial College of London) will give the keynote speeches. Also, the workshop will host the presentation of the results from the project The health equity impact of increasing age of retirement: the contribution of Italian longitudinal studies funded by the Italian Ministry of Health (RF-2016-02364270) and a roundtable on the Use of administrative data for policy evaluation introduced by Paolo Paruolo (Joint Research Center of the European Commission).
Please submit extended abstracts or – preferably – full papers in pdf format to by September 30th, 2023 indicating which thematic session you are applying for and if you prefer a paper or poster presentation; in case of overcrowding of accepted paper presentations, some will be randomly assigned to the poster session. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by mid-October, 2023. Participation is free of charge, while travel expenses and the social dinner will not be covered. Submissions by young researchers are particularly welcome. A 500 Euro prize in the name of Riccardo Revelli – a pioneer in the use of administrative data for labor market analysis – will be awarded to the best contribution (either poster or paper) by a young researcher.
Patronage from the Department of Economics and Statistics “Cognetti de Martiis” of the University of Torino is gratefully acknowledged. The workshop will take place at Collegio Carlo Alberto, Torino, Italy, which is kindly greeted for hosting the event. An on-line channel will be open for the public, while presenters are requested to attend in presence.
Enrolment (online and in presence) is open at this link
Riccardo Revelli Prize
Candidates should be under forty years of age; preference will be given to papers derived from a PhD thesis.
Roundtable on the use of Administrative Data
The use of administrative data to assess the impact of public interventions and, more in general, to run scientific research, is spreading at an increasing pace. Data protection concerns arise consequently. Which are the actual conditions to get access to administrative data? Are such conditions homogeneous across European countries? Which are the best practices? These are some of the issues the roundtable will discuss by hosting researchers and practitioners from different EU countries.
The effect of retirement policies on health, informal caring and access to social welfare programmes
Due to an increase in life expectancy, most European countries have tightened requirements for normal and early retirement. However, there is concern that these reforms may induce older workers affected by chronic morbidity to continue to be in paid employment despite their health problems or push them out of the labour market in long term unemployment or disability pension. Furthermore, after retirement a large fraction of individuals, especially women, are involved in informal caring, whose availability might be offset by increases in the statutory pension age.
We hence welcome submissions that adopting a causal approach contribute to shedding light on the relationship between pension reforms, retirement, and in particular age at retirement, on the following outcomes: health, including mortality and longevity; labour market participation; welfare dependency; provision of informal caring. Overall assessments of costs and benefits of pension reforms, considering both their intended and unintended consequences and redistributive implications, are also topics of great interest.
Educational and skill mismatch
In 2020 the European Commission has placed skills at the heart of its policy for a sustainable recovery after the coronavirus pandemic. The European Skills Agenda has set quantitative objectives for improvement of existing skills and training in the new ones, to be achieved in a five-year period through twelve actions. Despite such well-defined policy agenda, research has shown that many issues remain unsolved. The concept of skill mismatch is broad and can be used to describe vertical and horizontal mismatches, educational and experience-related misalignments, skill gaps, shortages, and obsolescence. It can be assessed using different approaches, depending on the available data and often resulting in poorly correlated measures. It generates negative but sometimes also positive effects on productivity, wages, and job satisfaction. It affects subpopulations differently. We hence welcome submissions using a causal approach and trying to answer one or more of the following questions: which skill shortages and surpluses has the technical change created? Which competences are already present in the market and which ones should receive policy support, and how? How should mismatch be measured? Which are the determinants of mismatch? And which are its consequences? Which parts of the workforce are affected the most?
Thursday November 30th
9.00-9.15 Welcome address: Lia Pacelli (President of the LABORatorio Riccardo Revelli)
Session 1: Health and Retirement Choices 1. Chairs: Roberto Leombruni (University of Torino and LABOR) and Giuseppe Costa (University of Torino)
9.15-9.40 Giuseppe Costa (University of Torino) Introduction to the Project “The health equity impact of increasing age of retirement: the contribution of Italian longitudinal Studies” funded by Italian Ministry of Health (RF-2016-02364270)
9.40-10.05 Chiara Ardito (European Commission Joint Research Centre) "Does the time spent in retirement improve health? An IV-Poisson assessment on the incidence of cardiovascular diseases"
10.05-10.30 Angelo d’Errico (Epidemiology department, ASL TO3) "Mortality and risk of cardiovascular diseases by age at retirement in three Italian cohort studies"
10.30-11.00 Invited Lecture: Paolo Vineis (Imperial College of London) "Social determinants of poor ageing and underlying mechanisms"
11.00-11.30 Coffee break
11.30-12.00 Filippo da Re (University of Padova) "Pension reforms, longer working horizons and depression.Does the risk of automation matter?"
12.00-12.30 Ricky Kanabar (University of Bath) "‘Relabelling’ of Individual Retirement Pension in Finland: application and behavioural responses using Finnish register data"
12.30-13.30 Keynote speech: Agar Brugiavini (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) "Implications of Ageing for Work, Health and Long Term Care: what do we learn from the Share data?"
13.30-15.00 Poster session with lunch break
Session 2: Health and Retirement Choices 2. Chairs: Chiara Ardito (European Commission Joint Research Centre and LABORatorio R. Revelli) and Giuseppe Costa (University of Turin)
15.00-15.30 Vincent Vandenberghe (Catholic University of Louvain) "Partial De-Annuitization of Public Pensions v.s. Retirement Age Differentiation. Which is Best to Account for Longevity Differences?"
15.30-16.00 Francesca Zantomio (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) "Behavioural Responses to Disability Insurance Generosity: Evidence from administrative records on CVD shocks"
16.00-16.30 Invited Lecture: Loretta Platts (Stockholm University) "Does Pension Eligibility Trigger a New Career Phase?"
16.30-17.00 Coffee break
17.00-17.30 Carlotta Montorsi (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research) "The trickle-down effects of Parental Retirement on adult children Well-being: evidence from the UK"
17.30-18.00 Edoardo Frattola (Bank of Italy) "Parental Retirement and Fertility Decisions across Family Policy Regimes"
18.00-18.30 Invited Lecture: Ludovico Carrino (University of Trieste) "More than work: retirement policies and intergenerational wellbeing. Empirical studies on health and care"
20.00 Social Dinner
Friday December 1st
Session 3: Administrative Data for Policy Evaluation. Chairs: Josep Amer-Mestre (European Commission Joint Research Centre) and Fabio Berton (European Commission Joint Research Centre and LABORatorio R. Revelli)
9.00-10.00 Introductory speech: Paolo Paruolo (Joint Research Centre of the European Commission)
10.00-10.30 Coffee break
10.30-12.30 Roundtable: Brice Fabre (IPP, France), Roberto Leombruni (University of Torino, Italy), Stefano Lombardi (VATT, Finland), Katja Neugebauer (Bank of Portugal), Stefanie Wolter (IAB, Germany)
12.30-14.30 Poster session with lunch break
Session 4: Educational & Skill Mismatch. Chair: Daniela Sonedda (University of Insubria and LABORatorio R. Revelli)
14.30-15.30 Keynote speech: Giovanni Russo (CEDEFOP) "Will the real skill shortage please stand up?"
15.30-16.00 Coffee break
16.00-16.30 Theresa Geiβler (University of Trier and IAAEU) "School starting age and educational mismatch"
16.30-17.00 Luca Favero (University of Torino and Collegio Carlo Alberto) "Softening up while abroad. Soft skills and international student mobility"
17.00-17.30 Maddalena Davoli (University of Zurich) "Classroom rank in math and career choices"
17.30-18.00 Riccardo Revelli Award to the best paper or poster and Farewell Address: Bruno Contini (University of Torino and Honorary President of the LABORatorio R. Revelli) and Fabio Berton (European Commission Joint Research Centre and LABORatorio R. Revelli)
Health and Retirement Choices
Antonio Abatemarco (University of Salerno) and Maria Russolillo (University of Salerno), "Measuring perverse redistribution in actuarially unfair NDC pension schemes"
Michele Belloni (University of Torino), "Did the pandemic change retirement trends?"
Sima Karakullukçu Erdem (Ibn Haldun University of Istanbul and University of Stockholm), "The late career in Türkiye"
Michelangelo Filippi (Epidemiology department, ASL TO3), "Changes in caring and volunteering associated with retirement in Italy"
Taina Leinonen (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health), "Changes in full-time equivalent working life expectancy among partial disability pensioners of the private and public sector between 2005 and 2018 in Finland"
Paolo Micera (Catholic University of Milano), "Working conditions and health at work over the lifecourse: preliminary evidence for Europe"
Giovanna Mazzeo Ortolani (European Commission Joint Research Centre), "Old-age workers transition into retirement and risk of poverty: evidence from 25 European Union countries using SHARE data"
Educational & Skill Mismatch
Alessandro Corvasce (University of Milano), "Did COVID-19 (permanently) raise the demand for “teleworkable” jobs?"
Filippo Passerini (University of Bologna and LABORatorio R. Revelli), "Concentration and mergers: evidence from Italian labor markets"
Silvana Robone (University of Insubria), "Health Outcomes of Educational Mismatch: Evidence from the Russian Federation"
Theis Theisen (University of Agder), "The allotment of home care – In-kind insurance compensating for lack of functionality"
Elena Villar (Catholic University of Milano), "Returns to tertiary vocational education in Italy"