Matteo Richiardi è Professore di Economia e Direttore del Centre for Microsimulation and Policy Analysis (CeMPA) presso la University of Essex; è anche Honorary Adjunct Professor presso la National University of Ireland, Galway. Nel 2018-2020 è stato Direttore di EUROMOD presso la University of Essex, con l'incarico di manutenere, aggiornare e sviluppare il modello di simulazione tax-benefit EUROMOD per tutti i paesi dell'Unione Europea e di gestirne il trasferimento alla Commissione Europea. Prima di prendere servizio alla University of Essex, Matteo ha lavorato presso il Department for Social Policy and Intervention della University of Oxford, collaborando all'Employment, Equity and Growth Programme dell'Institute for New Economic Thinking e all'Oxford Martin Programme su Inequality and Prosperity. Matteo è un economista del lavoro e un esperto di microsimulazione e di agent-based modelling. Dal 2015 è Chief Editor dell'International Journal of Microsimulation. Matteo ha pubblicato la propria ricerca su riviste economiche di prestigio, tra le quali la Review of Financial Studies, il Journal of Economic Surveys, il Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, e il Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation. E' coautore di due libri comparativi a livello internazionale sulle sfide ai sistemi di protezione sociale.
Matteo Richiardi is Professor of Economics and Director of the Centre for Microsimulation and Policy Analysis (CeMPA) at the University of Essex. He is also Honorary Adjunct Professor at the National University of Ireland, Galway. In 2018-2020 he was Director of EUROMOD at the University of Essex, in charge of the maintenance, updating and developing of the tax-benefit model EUROMOD for all EU countries, and its transfer to the European Commission. Prior to joining the University of Essex he worked at the Department for Social Policy and Intervention at the University of Oxford, collaborating to the Employment, Equity and Growth Programme at the Institute for New Economic Thinking and to the Oxford Martin Programme on Inequality and Prosperity. He is a labour economist and an expert in microsimulation modelling and agent-based modelling. Since 2015 he is Chief Editor of the International Journal of Microsimulation. Matteo Richiardi has published in leading economic journals as the Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Economic Surveys, the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, and the Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation. He has co-authored two books on challenges to social protection schemes, in an international comparative perspective.